FBISE Past Papers of SSC & HSSC

It has been observed that students cannot obtain outstanding marks without preparing Federal board papers. The academic performance of students is badly affected when they donโ€™t prepare SLO based model papers.

federal board papers

You can download FBISE past papers of all subjects up to 2024. You can also download SLO based model papers and past papers in Pdf format.

FBISE stands for Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education which is located in Islamabad Pakistan. It deals with both SSC Level and HSSC Level examinations. It conducts two examinations every year i.e. 1st annual examination and 2nd annual examination.

federal board Islamabad
  • SSC 1st Annual examination (Starts in March)
  • HSSC 1st Annual examination (Starts in April)
  • SSC 2nd Annual examination (Starts in September)
  • HSSC 2nd annual examination (Starts in October)

FBISE announces date sheet for both SSC and HSSC annual examinations one month before starting the examination. It declares result of SSC and HSSC after about 90 days of annual examination.

In the annual examination of 2022, Federal board Islamabad introduced a new Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) based system for both SSC and HSSC classes.

SLO based examination

In this new paper pattern, the traditional rote learning system is discouraged and concept-based learning is implemented. After introducing this new system, initially both students and teachers faced some difficulties but now they are streamlined and adopted the new system.

In this section, you can download SLO based model papers of SSC and HSSC for all subjects. Latest model papers of 2024 are available in Pdf format.

You can download SLO based FBISE past papers of all subjects for Matric and Intermediate classes. SLO based papers are provided up to 2023.

In this section, you can download FBISE past papers for all subjects which are not SLO based. It includes past papers for Science group, Humanities/Arts group and Technical group of Matric and Intermediate up to 2023.