PBA Computer Science Class 11 Practical (Solved)

YouTube video

Federal Board introduced new method of Practical Based AssessmentPBA Computer Science class 11 practical from 2024 1st annual examination. The students face difficulty to understand the new pattern of first year practical. You will get the solution of latest model paper 2024 of computer practical in this section.

In this video, you will learn how to solve the latest practical model paper of 2024. PBA computer class 11 practical is fully solved from start to end in a step by step manner.

PBA Computer Science Class 11 Practical 2024

In the following section, you will get a link for downloading solved practical model paper of Computer Science for HSSC 1 in PDF format.

Solved Computer Science Practical Model Paper 2024

I have also created a series of videos for Federal Board computer practical in Microsoft Access.

In this video, you will learn how to solve FBISE PBA Computer science class 11 latest model paper 2024 and Get Full Marks. A complete method is addressed with step-by-step procedure to solve each question of Computer Science PBA class 11 model paper.

In this video lesson, first you will see a list of practical given by the Federal Board. It includes database, recognition of hardware components and resource sharing sections.

PBA Computer  model paper of class 11 involves the following types of questions.

  1. Database questions
  2. Identification of hardware components of computer
  3.  Printer sharing

All these questions will be solved in a step-by-step procedure. An easy to learn approach is used to describe how to solve each question correctly. In the very first question a database table is given with data and few questions are being asked based on the given table.

In this question, the parts of questions which are related to queries are a little bit difficult for the students. Most students do mistakes in the answer of this question and they don’t know how to write the answer of this question. Therefore, the students should practice this question many times so that the chances of errors will be reduced.

In section B, first question is given to identify the hardware components of computer and then fill a table given at the bottom of question. This question is a bit tricky and mostly students do mistakes while attempting this question. Therefore, you have to solve it by reading and following the instructions carefully.

Then in second part of this question, the students are asked to identify the ports on the system unit of computer. This is also a bit difficult question for the students and mostly students don’t know the names of certain ports of computer and which devices will be attached with them.

In PBA Computer class 11 practical, last question is asked about sharing of printer in a computer network. The students are asked different steps required to set up a printer on a computer. This question is also a unique question and mostly students don’t know these steps. Therefore, there is a great chance of errors in this question.

In the end, I want to advise the student to practice the full list of practical given in the syllabus if you want to get full marks for more practice. Even if you prepare this model paper 2024, you can still get good marks even full marks in your Computer PBA class 11 practical paper in the annual examination.

Try to prepare all pictures and diagrams given in your book from chapter 1 to 5. As any diagram can be included in the examination for identification of hardware components. So you should know the names of at least these pictures or diagrams.

In PBA computer science class 11 practical, for database section, try to create a complete database on Microsoft Access. Create all components of database including tables, forms, reports, queries and forms. Create relationships between tables. Create few forms from one or more tables.

Similarly, create some reports of your system and make them from both tables and queries. Create multiple queries according to the requirements of the project. You may create one or two projects during the session. Help other students to make their projects and this will also increase your learning abilities and polish your skills.

For further reading and learning, you may visit different websites, books or YouTube channels to enhance your learning about PBA computer class 11. This will help you to be a step ahead from your fellows or peers.

Remember! For more marks you have to work more and become more. For more information you may visit official website of Federal board.

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